

Friday 28 September 2018

11 Traditional Health Benefits Of Amaranth

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Amaranth scientifically known as Amaranthus, this is a genus of perennial plants. The name 'amaranth' is derived from the Greek words 'amarantos' which means 'unfading' and 'anthos' which means flower. Amaranth is not a grain it is a seed. it is called 'bayam' in Malaysia, and Indonesia, 'Kaluna' in the Philippines, 'Amarante' in France, 'kiwicha' in Spanish, 'borlas' in South America, and 'bredo' in Portugal. It also called the African or the Indian spinach.

Amaranth is the common name for more than 60 different species of amaranth is the common name for more than 60 different species of Amaranthus. This gluten-free seed was a major food crop of the Aztecs, and some estimated that it was domesticated between 6,000  to 8,000 years ago. Because of the high proteins, vitamins and minerals present in amaranth, these ancient cultures depended on the seeds as a major staple in their diets. The Aztecs were the first to cultivate this crop in modern-day Peru. The ancient history of amaranth can be traced back to Peninsula Mexico and Yucatan.

Amaranth is a very tall plant with broad green leaves and vividly bright purple, red, or gold flowers. Amaranth grows in harsh and lacklustre nutrient conditions, such as in light soils, much like the grain sorghum, it's a very efficient grain crop. ''Pigweed'' is the wild amaranth species that grows in the United States and is used as a food crop. Amaranth is a great source of protein, iron, magnesium, fibre, phosphorus, and manganese. It will keep your digestive system regulated, build your strength, and reduce the risk of fracture or broken bones.

1. Improves Vision

The significant level of carotenoids and vitamin A found in amaranth leaves is a major boot for eye health, as these antioxidants can prevent macular degeneration and slow or stop the development of cataracts. By lowering oxidative stress in the ocular system, it can help keep your vision healthy and strong for years to come.

2. Lowers  Cholesterol Levels

Amaranth seeds and oil have fibre which contributes to lower cholesterol and risk of constipation. It's also rich in phytosterols, also known for lowering cholesterol. It helps to eliminate LDL or bad cholesterol from the cardiovascular system. Amaranth also contains a huge amount of vitamin K, which is a well-known booster for heart health.

3. Improves Bones

Amaranth leaves contain a wide range of minerals, including a high concentration of calcium, making it a superfood for boosting bone strength and preventing osteoporosis. Calcium is a crucial mineral for preventing demineralization of the bones, extending your active life well into your old age.

4. Fights Cancerous Cells

A recent study has revealed that amaranth grains showed an anti-proliferative effect on cancerous cells. Free radicals are the primary reason for the development of the cancerous cells. Amaranth grain is powerful antioxidants that are potent enough to control the condition. the grains also have the potential to impede the cells from further spreading in your body.

5. Improves Immune System

Increased immunity guarantees protection against infectious bacteria, viral infections, and various allergic reactions. You can strengthen your immune system by incorporating zinc into your diet. Zinc is one of the most nourishing minerals that function to protect your immunity from falling prey to various health-damaging factors.

6. A Rich Source Of Proteins

Amaranth contains high amounts of plant proteins that your body can easily break down into useable amino acids. Proteins in this plant are crucial for growth and development of new body tissues and cells. They also help boost your metabolism. Also, the leaves of this plant offer you lots of proteins.

7.Regulated Blood Pressure

Bioactive peptides in Amaranth offer you antihypertensive benefits. Also, potassium in the herb helps lower your blood pressure by dilating your blood vessels. So, appropriate consumption of the levels of this herb helps you regulate your blood pressure effectively.

8.Promotes Weight Loss

Regular consumption of Amaranth leaves helps you achieve your weight loss targets easily. It offers you a good amount of dietary fibre that helps minimize your appetite, boost your satiety levels and regulate your weight substantially.

9. For Hair Follicles

weak hair follicles contribute to hair fall. To prevent early baldness, try consuming amaranth grains. The nutrients in them will function in strengthening your hair follicles that will prevent hair fall. Also, Amaranth leaves can help your hair quality the Squaline in the leaves helps you to have strong and healthy hair.

10. Boosts Energy And Longevity

Amaranth is an excellent source of vital minerals that your body requires for a smooth functioning of numerous body processes. It is high in vitamins, calcium, potassium, manganese, and folate. All these nutrients help in maintaining good health and youth and delay ageing symptoms. Its leaves offer carbohydrates that help boost your energy to a great extent.

11. Prevent Skin Allergies

Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties of Amaranth help prevent the hazards of skin allergies. You can use its leaves as an astringent to get rid of skin allergies and infections such as eczema and ance.

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