Malay apple tree is fast growing, reaching 40 to 60 feet in height, and has an erect trunk to 15 feet in circumference and pyramidal or cylindrical crown. The Malay apple or Otaheite Apple is a close relative to the wax jambu and the rose apple. Unlike the wax jambu, the Malay apple has a single marbled size seed that separates easily firm the pulp. The fruit is bell-shaped and can be up to eight inches long. The taste can be described as a rose water flavored apple, and they are pleasant and cool to eat. The trees fruit prolifically, and larger fruit size can be achieved by thinning the crop and watering heavily. The tree grows fast and large, and they typically have a Christmas tree shape.
Evergreen leaves are soft_ leathery, dark_ green and fairly glossy on the upper surface, paler beneath, 6 to 18 inches long 3 1/2 to 8 inches wide. Though showy, the flowers are hidden by the foliage until they fall and from a lovely carpet on the ground. They have a thin smooth waxy skin, rose red or crimson colored. The tantalizing interior flesh is white, crisp, juicy and sweet with a floral hint. In Indonesia, the flowers are eaten in salads or are preserved in syrup. Young leaves and shoots, before turning green, are consumed raw with rice or are cooked and eaten as greens. According to Akana's translation of Hawaiian Herbs of Medicinal Value, the astringent bark has been much used in local remedies. It is pounded together with salt, the crushed material is strained through coconut husk fiber, and the juice poured into a deep cut. " The patient must exercise absolute self_ control add the liquid buns its way into the flesh and nerves."
In the Molucca or Spice, Islands, a decoction of the bark is used to treat thrush. Malayan's apply a power of the dried leaves on a cracked tongue. A preparation of the root is a remedy for itching. The root acts as a diuretic and is given to alleviate edema. The root bark is useful against dysentery, also serves as an emmenagogue and abortifacient. Cambodians take a decoction of the fruit, leaves or seeds as a febrifuge. The juice of crushed leaves is applied as a skin lotion and is added to baths. In Brazil, various parts of the plant are used as remedies for constipation, diabetes, coughs, pulmonary catarrh, headache and other ailments. Seeded fruits, seed, bark, and leaves have shown antibiotic activity and have some effect on blood pressure and respiration.
1. Nutritional Value
The skin and flesh of this delicious fruit variety can be eaten and is known to be beneficial for human health, due to its significant levels of vitamins and minerals, as well as the organic compounds. Malay apples contain flavonoid, phenolic compounds, and sesquiterpenes, as well as limited amounts of carotenoids, all of which act as antioxidants. They also contain dietary fiber and limited amounts of proteins.
2. Health Benefits
The health benefits of Malay apples include their ability to reduce inflammation, prevent certain types of cancer, improve the health of the skin, boost circulation, build stronger bones, prevent the development or worsening of diabetes, improve vision health, strengthen and improve the quality of hair, and prevent the development of cataracts.
3. Powerful Antioxidant
Malay apple is also a good source of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, and a good source of calcium, thiamine, and riboflavin. This is one fruit you can consume in larger amounts than normal without worrying too much about a high caloric intake. It is also good to have after exercising, as it helps to hydrate and take the edge off hunger. With a lot of minerals and vitamin contains, this fruit will increase the antioxidant for your body. So you will healthier to fight against any disease.
4. Preventing Diabetes
Malay apple can prevent diabetes. This fruit serves as a substitute for regular sugar that you often consume. The content of sugar in the fruit tends to be low but still can meet the needs of sugar in your body. So that your blood sugar levels can be more controlled.
5. Nutrients Of Malay apple
Malay apple contains the energy of 56 kilocalories, 0.6 grams of protein, 14.2 grams of carbohydrates, 0.3 grams of fat, 29 milligrams of calcium, 16 milligrams of phosphorus, and 1 milligram of iron. Also in the Malay apple also contain vitamin A as much as 130 IU, vitamin B1 0.02 milligrams and vitamin C 22 milligrams. The results were obtained from a study of 100 grams of Malay apple with an edible amount of 67%.

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