

Friday, 23 February 2018

6 Ways to Get Rid of a Migraine Fast Without Any Medicine

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When a migraine strikes, it can be crippling. Intense and sharp pain not only at there temples but radiating throughout the entire head, feelings of nausea and digestive discontent an unbearable aversion to light, sound, and even the smallest of movements.

Instead of succumbing to the incredible pain of migraines, you can get through your day with the right relief. These 6 tricks will help you soothe the pain of intense headaches in no time without any prescriptions.

Drink Grape Juice

Though you probably haven't sipped grape juice in years( aside from "adult" grape juice, that is), it's the perfect go_to remedy when a migraine strikes.

According to First Choice Smart and Home Cure, grapes are an excellent pain reliever. Take a drink of all_ natural grape juice, or create your own at home to find relief. Blend fresh, ripe grapes with a bit of water, and you'll drink your discomfort away.

Eat Nuts

If you suffer from migraines on a regular basis, consider making one small switch to your diet more nuts. Nuts can work as both a pain reliever and a preventative method to stave off future insets

As Everyday Roots writes, many varieties of nuts contain an important " ingredient"  call sail in in a pain-blocking agent that's present in many of today's medications. Though you may want to reach for an over counter pain reliever when migraines strike, choose nuts_ they offer the same important ingredients.

Try a Different Temperature

There are two tried_ and_ true methods that most of us turn to when facing an injury and its pain hot are cold therapy. While it might seem odd to consider placing an iced or heated pack on your head, it can make all of the difference in just a few minutes.

As Stress Knots and the Moyo Clinic, both recommend you simply need to choose which works best for your migraines. When you apply heat, your muscles will relax and pain will lower. If you choose icy cold, you will numb the areas most in pain to all that they are feeling.

Drink a Small Amount of Caffeine

Although caffeine can cause headaches of its own in large amounts, a small dose of a beverage like coffee or soda can sooth the pain of an intense migraine.

When you drink caffeine, it can offer pain relieving benefits_ as long as you drink just a small amount, as the Mayo Clinic notes. If you drink it right when you feel a migraine beginning to appear, it can also improve the effects of Tylenol aspirin, and other over_ the counter pain relievers. Yet if you drink too much, you could cause more pain, as caffeine is known to create headaches for those addicted to it.

Whatever you choose to calm your intense migraine pain, make sure you know what it is that may trigger your own headaches. By avoiding certain foods, ingredients and activities, you can keep migraines at bay and not have to endure their awful reign.

Massage the Pain Away

A regular massage may seem like a luxury, but when a migraine strikes, it can be the best way to relive all that's built up in your head

Learn how to give yourself a calming and pain relieving massage, and you can prevent your migraines from growing worse, quickly. As you stretch and massage both the neck and the base of the scalp, you will stimulate blood flow and relaxation, sending the
pain away from your head.

Get Herbal

Although it may be painful to consider heading out into the sunlight when you're struggling to stop a migraine, getting close to nature can help_ if you have a herb garden nearby. Ginger peppermint and cayenne are known natural pain relievers that can end both a headache and nausea that often comes with a migraine.

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