

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

How To Get Rid Of Facial Hair Naturally ( That Actually Works)

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Facial Hair: The Bane Of Every Woman's Existence!

All women have the occasional "straggler", that hair or patch of hairs that grow in the worst possible place!
You know I'm talking about_ those extra hairs on your chin, along with your jawline, above your lips or on your sideburns. Those hairs can be a pain in the butt to get rid of.

Every time you think you've dealt with the hair, you discover another growing somewhere else. Worse still, even after you get rid of the hairs, they just grow back_ sometimes thicker, stronger, and even more visible!

What Can You Do?

Many women spend hundreds of dollars on epilators, waxing kits, trimmers, and safety razors, all in an attempt to find the best way to remove facial hair. In the end, many give up and resort to bleaching the hairs_ better invisible than stubby, right? If you're sick and tired of shaving/waxing/epilating your face, read on to find out how to remove facial hair naturally.

Our simple home remedies have been tried and tested, and you'll find that it is surprisingly effective. Using it can teach you how to remove ingrown facial hair, get rid of that mustache, or trim those whiskers.

How To Get Rid Of Facial Hair: Papaya and Turmeric

Papaya contains papain, an enzyme that breaks down the hair follicles _ preventing them from re_growing more hairs. Applying papaya to your face will help to inhibit hair growth, making it easier for you to keep your chin whiskers, sideburns, or mustache under control.

Adding turmeric to the mix makes the papaya more effective. The stable compounds in turmeric will help to kill off the hairs, preventing their regrowth.

How it's done:

Use a spoon to scoop out a few chunks of raw papaya flesh. Add half a teaspoon of turmeric powder, and use a fork to mash and mix the ingredients together. You should end up with a thick paste. Using your fingers, apply the paste to the parts of your face with unwanted hair. Massage your skin gently to ensure that the paste is absorbed into your hair and skin. Let it sit for 15 minutes before washing off with warm water. Repeat the process once every two weeks or so, and you'll notice your facial hair disappearing on its own!

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