

Tuesday 17 April 2018

This Lemon &Himalayan Salt Drink Can Stop Migraine Headaches within Minutes

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Lemon & Himalayan Salt Headache Remedy

Any a headache can be a nuisance, but migraines are especially debilitating and can make it impossible to go about day _to day tasks. According to MedicineNet, the pain of a migraine is often worse than a typical headache and may present with additional symptoms, including nausea, dizziness, blurred vision, and sensitivity to light and sound.

Most people suffering from chronic migraines have tried just about every over_ the _ counter pain reliever and self_help remedy to alleviate their pain to no avail. Most traditional headache remedies are ineffective in treating migraines, and long_ term use of over_the counter pain relievers can be dangerous. According to Best Herbal Health, a simple alternative therapy is helping many migraines sufferers find relief.

A mixture of lemon juice and Himalayan crystal salt may be the key to stopping a migraine in its tracks. At the first sign of a headache, combine the juice and zest of one lemon and two teaspoons of Himalayan crystal salt in a glass of water that is at room temperature. To get the best results, use organic lemons and high_ quality Himalayan crystal salt. You should feel your headache start to ease within just a few minutes after drinking the entire glass.

Why This Home Remedy Works

According to Healthy wild and Free, the majority of a headache can be attributed to dehydration and mineral and electrolyte imbalances. Himalayan crystal salt provides the body with electrolytes and over 84 different minerals while the water restores the body's fluid balance. There are much health benefits of lemons and they're loaded with vitamins and can serve as a natural detoxifying agent by promoting proper liver function so that it can remove toxins from the body more efficiently, which can aid in clearing headache symptoms.

Additional Benefits of Lemon & Himalayan Salt

The lemon and salt mixture also helps restore the body's natural alkaline balance, strengthens the immune system, boots energy levels, and balances serotonin levels, which can help regulate mood.

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