

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

What Happens When You Eat 3 Whole Eggs Every Day...You'll Be Surprised what It Does To Your Body!

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Why eat more eggs? A few years ago, health organizations issued a warning about the cholesterol contained in eggs. Like many other foods such as coconut oil or avocados, eggs were mistakenly thought to be bad for your health.

While the average large egg delivers between 180_186 mgof cholesterol, your liver produces anywhere between 1,000 mg to 2,000 mg each day on its own.

Basically, when you consume foods that contain cholesterol, your liver adjusts itself by decreasing its own production. This means that eating eggs doesn't increase the existing amounts of cholesterol in the body, you're simply replacing one type with another. So would it be a good thing to eat more eggs?

Today, a closer look at this yummy breakfast food really shows 7 reasons why it's worth incorporating more of it into your diet.

1. When it comes to nutritional value, eggs really give you the best bang for your buck. Loaded with vitamin A, E, B6, and B12, thiamin, riboflavin folate, iron, phosphorous, magnesium, selenium and so much more, it's hard to find other foods with such a varied nutrient.

2. Eggs are very satiating.

You should know that eggs have a high index of satiety, which means that eggs will make you feel fuller.

3. Eggs can help you iron deficiency.

Many people around the world, who suffer from a mild iron deficiency, may experience these symptoms: tiredness, headache, and irritability. You should know that eggs can help you for that purpose.

4. Eggs improve the adequacy of nutrients in the diet.

Eggs are full of healthy nutrients, which is very important for a balanced and varied diet. A recent study has found that people who do not consume eggs are more likely to lack many vitamins.

5. Eggs do not raise blood cholesterol. 

We all know that as early as the 1990s, eggs received a lot of negative publicity because of their "high" cholesterol content. Many different studies have shown otherwise.

6. Eggs can help promote weight loss.

Did you know that eggs with toast have a 50% higher satiety index than regular breakfast cereals? Many different studies have found that if you start your day with eggs, in addition, to increase satiety in overweight people, it can help you lose weight.

7. Eggs help promote brain health.  

Have you ever heard of the hill? Well, choline is a nutrient that promotes and enhances brain development in the fetus and newborn. This nutrient also improves brain function and memory even in old age. That's why you should eat eggs more often because eggs are an excellent source of choline.

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