1. Bananas are absolutely brilliant for helping you to have a relaxing night's sleep. They contain high amounts of potassium and magnesium. These are natural muscle relaxants and therefore cause your body to settle before sleep.
2. As one of the most powerful natural sleep aids, you can boil bananas before bed, simply by slicing 1_2 bananas in half and placing them in a pan with 1 cup of water. Allow this to boil for 5 minutes. ( Make sure to also boil the peel, this is very important).
3. You can now take out the banana and pour the banana tea into a cup. Optionally, add some cinnamon and honey for extra flavor. Because you also boiled the banana skin, your tea will contain L_ Tryptophan. This is an amino acid which will help your brain function properly and produce relaxing neurotransmitters.
4. Drink the tea about 20 minutes before bed, to allow it to kick in. You can also eat the boiled banana if you would like, including the skin. This is very tasty and also works well in porridge. I would recommend using organic bananas for the very best effects, as these tend to be richer in nutrients due to the lack fertilizers and pesticides used when they were grown.
5. This is a great alternative to using store-bought sleep aids and drugs. These drugs often cause you to become addicted. Bananas and water, however, are 100% natural. A lack of sleep can cause all kinds of problems, particularly cognitive function and clarity of thought. Having a good night's sleep is extremely important for good emotional, body and mental health.
6. This banana tea has been shown to cure insomnia for many people and can be used safely whenever you have trouble sleeping.

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