Here's How You Could Lose 18 kilograms Lose Up To 5 kilograms In Just One Week With These Two Ingredients
You don't need us to tell you that losing weight and keeping it off is hard. About 80% of people who lose weight gain it all back and sometimes more within year experts say.
But understanding why weight loss is so difficult can help you stop breathing yourself up over every little setback and increase your chances of success.
It's also important to realize that once you reach your weight_ loss gold and start eating a little more again the pounds can come back pretty quickly so it's smart to increase your calories gradually.
But you shouldn't be worried because in this post we are going to show you our little secret on how to lose weight fast and effective
So what you need to do? It's highly important for you to consume bananas with warm water every day. This healthy and effective combination will boost up your metabolism and it will help you lose weight much faster and more efficient and the most important part is that you will keep that lost weight off.
How does this diet work? Well, you need to eat 2 bananas and drink 2 glasses of warm water in the morning on an empty stomach. The water should be more hot then cold. You can eat whatever you want for the other meals but it's also extremely I!important for you not to eat anything after 6 pm.
You can eat a banana and drink a glass of warm water as a substitute for a between meal snack. It's highly recommended for you to avoid eating candies and sugary stuff and replace them with banana with some warm water.
Note: make sure you drink at least 2 liters of water every day. Well that's it folks

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