Chlorella is a freshwater green alga, a natural food supplement that offers a host of health benefits that truly make it a superfood. Chlorella has been around since the early days of our planet and has probably remained unchanged over the ages. However, this single_celled alfa was not identified until the close of the 19 century. It took a few more decades to realize its true potential. Apparently, this superfood has existed for two billion years already. However, it wasn't discovered until the nineteenth century. It was discovered by the Dutch microbiologist Dr. Beijnerink.
It was first used during World War 1 by the Germans as a protein source. After, in the 1920s, the Japanese cultivated a pure culture of chlorella. After the Second World War, the United States, Japan, and Germany all conducted cooperative studies on the algae. In the 1970s, this superfood experienced major popularity in Japan. However, it suddenly ended because of photosensitivity incidents due to chlorella use. Later on, when the whole foods movement and organic eating started to boom in the United States, chlorella once again regained its popularity alongside natural weight loss products like Garcinia Cambogia
10. Health Benefits Of Chlorella
1. Boosting the immune system
Animal studies dating back decades have found that chlorella improved the ability to the immune systems of mice to fight against both bacteria and viruses. A 2012 study was carried out to test the effects of chlorella on the salivary immune system of human subjects. A total of 30 healthy people were given chlorella and studied over a 4_ week period alongside 30 people who received a placebo. This trial was repeated 12 weeks later for another 4_ week period on the same individuals. The researchers found various positive and significant changes that suggested a strengthened immune system due to taking chlorella. However, the researchers recognized there were limitations to the study and suggested further testing was needed.
2. Enhance Your Immune System
Your immune system helps keep you healthy by fighting off infections. It's a complex system made up of multiple mechanisms and cells that get into gear when an invader enters your body. Chlorella has been found to enhance the immune response in both animal and human studies, although the evidence so far is limited. In one small study, men produced more antibodies when taking chlorella than when they took a placebo. Antibodies help fight foreign invaders in your body, meaning this finding is quite promising. In another small, eight_ week study, healthy adults who took chlorella showed markers of increased immune activity.
3. Acts as an Antioxidant
Chlorella contains several compounds that are considered antioxidants, including chlorophyll, vitamin C, beta_ carotene, lycopene, and lutein. These antioxidants can help fight many chronic diseases. Some of these antioxidants seem to reduce the production of advanced glycation end products ( AGEs ), which drive many of the complications of diabetes. In animals and lab studies, chlorella has interfered with the way genes age. Also, a study showed chlorella supplements increased antioxidant levels in chronic cigarette smokers, a population at a higher risk of oxidative damage.
4. Anti_ Aging Properties
A_2 month DB_RCT performed in 12 elderly subjects revealed that Chlorella decreased oxidative damage to red blood cells by reducing phospholipid hydroperoxide ( PLOOH ) concentrations, thus enhancing their ability to transport oxygen to the brain. Hot water extract of C. vulgaris increased the lifespan of skin cells ( fibroblasts ) from both young and old individuals C. vulgaris may have an anti_ aging effect because it removes free radicals ( due to its high levels of antioxidants) inhibits telomere shortening ( oxidative_ stress_ induced DNA damage) by enhancing telomerase activity. Cells age when the telomeres ( ends of chromosomes) are shortened. This happens every time your cells divide, with each round of replication ( DNA synthesis). Therefore, increased telomerase activity boosts telomere production and increases the lifespan of cells.
5. Helps Against Depression
A pilot study performed in 125 patients with major depressive disorder showed improvement in depression and anxiety in patients who consumed C. vulgaris tablets in addition to their standard antidepressant medications for 6 weeks. This result could be explained by the neuroprotective components contained in C. vulgaris ( linoleic acid and vitamin B 12/ methylcobalamin), which have been reported to improve depressive symptoms.
6. Combats Liver Diseases
Liver function improved in fatty liver disease ( NAFLD) patients who consumed C. vulgaris tablets, in a DB_RCT performed in 60 individuals for 8 weeks. Another BD_RCT of 70 fatty liver disease patients showed that Chlorella enhanced patients" condition by reducing weight and blood glucose levels and decreasing inflammatory indicators ( TNF_a and high_ sensitivity C_reactive protein) Levels of alanine transaminase ( ALT), a maker of liver inflammation were significantly reduced in 85% of 18 hepatitis C patients treated with C. pyrenoidosa extract for 12 weeks. In rats, Chlorella extracts protected against alcohol_ and toxin_'induced liver damage.
7. Cancer Protective
Chlorella protects you from cancer in many ways. It flushes out toxins and heavy metals from the body. With its high antioxidant power, it protects the cells from free radicals that cause DNA damage. It strengthens the immune system. By enhancing the action of T cells, it makes the body more capable of identifying and destroying damaged cells that can otherwise divide and form tumors. When chlorella supplementation is used adjuvant to conventional cancer treatments like radiation and chemotherapy, it reduces their side effects. Since these treatments destroy the lining of the guts and make digestion difficult, chlorella provides a steady nutrient supply that is easily absorbed.
8. Promotes Weight Loss
As you know many weight loss diets start with a detox phase, and for good reason. Accumulation of toxins in the body is one reason why many people have large amounts of fat deposits. Storing away toxins in fat tissue is one survival mechanism of our body. By taking them out of circulation, they are prevented from causing harm to us. Chlorella is the most potent, natural detoxification agent available. This effect can be felt in the very first days of starting this supplement. High protein diet has been known to aid weight loss, but taking too much animal protein mast put you at risk of atherosclerosis since it comes with high amounts of fat and cholesterol. Chlorella has the ideal protein to fat ratio for weight loss while providing most of the essential micronutrients. The chlorophyll content of chlorella helps increase hemoglobin and red blood count, improving blood oxygen levels and circulation. This results in higher energy levels and metabolic rate. People often report that they feel more energetic and tend to become more active once they start taking chlorella supplements. This may also contribute to weight loss.
9. Keeps Your Brain Sharp
Chlorella is an excellent source of vitamin B12, important for keeping the brain functioning well. Deficiency of this vitamin is linked to depression, memory loss, and brain shrinkage. As we age, the body's ability to absorb this vitamin decreases, putting older people at greater risk of B12 deficiency. Chlorella is not only a rich vegan source of B12, but it is present in a bioavailable form that facilitates its rapid absorption. It is a good source of magnesium too, a mineral important for the brain health. It increases memory and learning for both young children and older people. Vegetables and fruits are the traditional dietary sources of magnesium, but the mineral in chlorella is better absorbed.
10. Keep Your Eyes Bright
If the carrot is thought to be good for eyesight because of this Beta_ carotene content, chlorella is several folds better. It is rich in not only Beta_ carotene but also in lutein, another important pigment for eye health. Lutein gets concentrated in the lens, retina and the macular region of the eye and protects the eye from damage due to UV radiation. High lutein content in the eye is associated with lesser risk of developing age_ related macular degeneration, a progressive disease that can cause blindness. Green leafy vegetables such as kale, collard greens, and spinach are the usual dietary sources of lutein, but with regular chlorella supplements, you can have both Beta_ carotene and lutein in one shot.

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