One of the most embarrassment to faced by women is the dark pelvic area, a dark pubic area could be a major turn off. The intimate areas tend to get darker and the colour difference is quite visible. These dark areas can be due to many different reasons like rashes, chafing, sweating, shaving, friction, tight clothes, and even hormonal factors. Moreover, your inner thighs or the pubic areas can be treated without any expensive over the counter lightening creams that contain bleach or steroids, are afraid of using harsh chemicals. Take a look at some home remedies that will help you lighten your inner thighs or the pubic area.
Here we have listed 23 home remedies to treat the dark skin around the pubic area:
1. Baking Soda And Water Paste
This amazing and strong mixture works great and peeling skin. Medical experts say that hyper_ pigmentation, which usually occurs around dark areas can be successfully removed with a combination of baking soda and water.
Mix the ingredient ratio of 3 to 1 ( if 3 tablespoons baking goes one bucket of water ) until a thick paste. Then put the mixture on the affected area and allow to dry and then rinse. Repeat this process two times a week.
Baking soda may help lighten and exfoliate your skin, but it should be used with caution. That's because baking soda may be too harsh for your skin. It could irritate your skin and worsen any skin condition.
2. Potato
Rubbing potatoes on your skin is a folk remedy for dark spots on the skin. it's believed that catecholase, an enzyme in potatoes, can lighten skin. Over the years, potatoes have proven to be a wonderful remedy for skin-related issues. It works by dissipating the extra melanin pigment from the skin. If you have a dark bikini line cut a potato into two, squeeze out the juice and rub the juice against your skin. Alternatively, you can make some potato pulp and apply on the dark areas. Let it stay for a few minutes before washing with plain water. Unlike other remedies, a potato will show positive results by withing the first two weeks.
Slice a potato rud a potato slice over the affected area for 15 minutes or longer. Gently wash the area
3. Sugar Scrub
Sugar can help exfoliate the skin. Exfoliating the area may help if the dark skin is caused by a buildup of dead skin.
Combine fresh lemon juice, a teaspoon of sugar, and a tablespoon of honey. Gently scrub the mixture into the inner thighs. Rinse the area to remove the scrub.
4. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera gel or an aloe vera-based product can soothe irritated, chafed skin. Aloe contains aloin, which shows potential as a skin lightener. Apply like a lotion, and allow the product to soak into your skin. You don't need to rinse it off after applying.
5. Oatmeal Yogurt Scrub
Oatmeal can be used to treat eczema and other inflammatory skin conditions. It can also act as an exfoliant, and it may be gentler than sugar. Yoghurt contains lactic acid, which may improve skin health. Yoghurt may have other benefits for the skin when used topically or orally, but research is limited. Create your own scrub
Make a paste with equal parts oatmeal and plain yoghurt. Apply the paste to the darkened area of skin, and gently scrub. Wash the paste off of your leg.
6. Coconut Oil And Lemon Juice
Lemons are packed with vitamin C, which may help treat hyperpigmentation. Coconut oil can serve as a moisturizer, and it may help keep your thighs soft and supple.
Make a coconut oil and lemon juice scrub: Combine a few tablespoons of coconut oil with the juice of half a lemon. Rub the mixture into the affected area and massage for 10 minutes or longer. Wash the area clean. Research suggests that certain formulations containing vitamin C may be more effective than others so this method may not prove to be effective for you.

7. Milk
Since ancient times, milk remains one of the best treatments for dark skin. Milk is rich in lactic acid which aids in reducing skin hyperpigmentation. Just dip a cotton cloth in milk and rub it between your thighs. Keep massaging the dark bikini area for 15 minutes before cleaning off with warm water. Perform this procedure on a regular basis until you get the desired results.
8. Sandalwood
Sandalwood protects your skin against UV rays and removes the dark spots. It also enhances skin complexion and treats hyperpigmentation. Just mix one tablespoon of lemon with three tablespoons of sandalwood powder to create a paste. You can also add some rose water if the mixture is too thick. Spread on the dark area and let it stay overnight. Clean the area in the morning with lukewarm water. When you do this once a day, your pubic region will have the same colour as the rest of the body.
9. Carrot
Carrots contain beta-carotene compound which helps in maintaining the right skin tone. In addition to that, it protects your skin against harmful UV rays. While you can eat raw carrots to make your skin lighter, it works best when you make a paste. For this remedy, take a fresh carrot, grind it and then add a few drops of sandalwood oil. After that, gently massage the dark region before going to bed. In the morning, clean the area with lukewarm water and apply your favourite moisturizer. You can also use carrot seed oil that does not have any mineral or fragrance in it.
10. Turmeric And Orange
When turmeric and orange are mixed, they form a formidable combination for skin lightening. And since orange is rich in vitamin C, it will make your skin glow. Just mix a pinch of turmeric with two spoonfuls of orange juice in a glass of water. Rub the solution in the dark areas, let it stay for twenty minutes and then rinse off with cold water. Use this remedy twice a week.
11. Papaya
Papaya contains papain enzyme which helps to get rid of dark bikini area. Papaya also quickens the shedding of dead skin cells. Simply take a ripe pineapple, extract the pulp and then rub the pulp on the dark region for five minutes. Alternatively, you can blend papaya and mix it with vitamin E oil. Let it work its magic for twenty minutes before rinsing off with cold water. For quick results, apply it at regular intervals.
12. Gram Flour
Gram flour works both as an exfoliator and a skin lightener. For this gram flour remedy, simply makes a paste and rub around your private area. Make sure you leave it there until it dries up. Wash with warm water and apply your favourite moisturizer thereafter. Continue with treatment once a day for a couple of weeks, and you'll have light skin around your pubic area.
13. Cucumber Juice
Cucumber is a natural bleaching agent that controls melanin production. It also hydrates the skin. To lighten your pubic region, extract the juice and apply on the area. Leave it for ten minutes and then rinse off with cold water. For best results, repeat the procedure, at least 3 times a week, for 30 days.
14. Mint Leaves
Apart from giving freshness, mint leaves have a cooling effect. To lighten the dark region of the pubic area, grind a handful of mint leaves to prepare a paste. Add some honey and then massage the area, in a circular motion, with the mixture. Rinse off after thirty minutes. This way your skin will appear white and radiant.
15. Pure Honey
Honey boosts the skin's ability to rejuvenate. Furthermore, honey protects you from harmful UV rays and acts as a moisturizing agent. Apply pure honey to the dark areas and leave it for a few minutes before rinsing off with cold water. This simple remedy will not only make your skin brighter but will also remove the dead skin cells. Alternatively, you can make a skin lightening mask by combining one teaspoon of honey with one teaspoon of lemon juice. Use this remedy once every day.

16. Aspirin
Aspirin has many beauty benefits. Aspirin contains salicylic acid that sloughs off dead skin cells. To lighten the dark bikini line, crush two aspirin tablets and mix with one teaspoon of water to form a paste. Spread on the dark region and let it stay for twenty minutes before rinsing off with cold water. Avoid using this remedy immediately after shaving; otherwise, you could experience some irritation.
17. Almonds
Almonds are rich in vitamin E and have a good moisturizing capacity. Besides, those almonds have exfoliating properties that can aid in lightening the skin around the pubic area. First, soak almonds in water for a couple of hours. Then, grind them and add a little milk to form a paste. Spread this paste in the dark regions and let it stay overnight. When you do this every day, you'll notice some difference in your skin tone. You could also use almond oil for the same effect.
18. Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide can lighten the skin, especially on the inner thighs. All you have to do is dip a cotton swab in hydrogen peroxide and apply on the dark areas. Since it's very strong, you need to dilute it with water. Make sure you apply some coconut oil after washing. Plus, avoid using it immediately after saving to avoid irritation.
19. Yoghurt
Yoghurt has a skin lightening property that can help to change your complexion. Yoghurt also protects your skin from infections. To tighten your dark skin, spread some fresh yoghurt and let it sit for twenty minutes. You can also try mixing yoghurt with one tablespoon of honey. Continue with this remedy until you get the desired results.
20. Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is a potent skin lightening agent due to its acidic nature. Lemon juice is also rich in vitamin C which makes it an effective skin rejuvenating remedy also. For this lemon juice remedy, simply slice a lemon into two and rub the inner juicy part on the dark bikini area. Leave for 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing off. Alternatively, you could mix a little lemon juice with honey and yoghurt. Then apply this mixture to the dark pubic area. Leave this mixture on the affected region for 15 minutes before rinsing off.
21. Cucumber
Cucumber has bleaching properties that help in lightening the dark pubic area. It helps in removing dirt and dead cells. You can apply fresh cucumber juice to your dark pubic area and rub gently for 10 minutes. Rinse of with water. You can do this twice daily for a lighter-toned skin in the dark pubic area.

22. Orange Peel
Orange peel has mild exfoliating and bleaching properties that help in lightening the dark bikini area. Make a powder of dried orange peels and add 2 teaspoons of it in rose water to make a thick paste. Add some raw honey to it. Apply the paste on the pubic area and leave for 15-20 minutes. Remove with cold water. Repeat 2 to 3 times a week for results.
23. Calamansi
Calamansi is the name of a fruit which is juicy in nature and is having skin whitening properties. Since this has natural acidic property and is a very good source of vitamin C, getting a beautiful and darkness free skin will be easier. This is a rare green colour fruit that belongs to the family of lemon but can work really well in the area where you have the problem of dark skin tone.
If you're at increased risk for dark inner thighs, there are a number of things you can do to prevent the skin from darkening:
. Prevent chafing by wearing bicycle shorts or nylon stockings under skirts or dresses.
. keep the inner thigh area clean and well exfoliated to limit the buildup of dead skin.
. Wear loose, breathable clothing to prevent excess sweat and friction.
. Always wear an SPF of 30 higher when exposed to the sun, and avoid excessive sun exposure when possible.

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