The particles of sweat, body fluids, dust and dirt pass through the leaves of the savanna and end up in the mattress. It takes a long time for the mattress to get dirty, rarely do some of us clean the mattress.
How to clean a mattress?.
First, clean it with a vacuum cleaner,
and then sprinkle the mattress with baking soda. This simple but effective trick is to disinfect the mattress in which you sleep. Baking soda will kill the bacteria, then vacuum the dust, and then you can spray the mattress with water to which a few drops of an essential oil has been added so that it has a pleasant smell.
Baking Soda Uses & Benefits
Baking soda is a great tool for cleaning and removing stains, but there are many health benefits associated with the use of baking soda too. Some of the !most common baking soda benefits include:
Eases stomach pain
Helps with digestive issues
Relieves bloating and gas
Fights off diseases
Neutralizes acid
Kill fungi mould and parasites
Minimizes a cough and sore throat
Reduced the duration of golf and flu
Helps pH balance
Reduces the symptoms of gout
Promotes kidney health
Treats urinary tract infections
Reduces muscle pain and fatigue
Tips and Cautions When Drinking Baking Soda
Baking soda is high in sodium, so it is a good idea not to overdo it. If you suffer from liver disease kidney disease, high blood pressure or oedema you should not drink baking soda.
Don't drink baking soda if you are pregnant or nursing.
If you take prescription drugs, be sure to ask your doctor before drinking baking soda. Children under five should not drink baking soda. Don't drink baking soda on a full stomach. Side effects of baking soda consumption may include increased thirst and stomach cramping

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