Everything seemed impossible until it was discovered that this plant is the number one enemy of cancer and diabetes.
Natural Mask To Eliminate Wrinkles And Blemishes.
What we will need:
Honey (1 tablespoon).
Garlic (2 cloves).
Clay powder (2 tablespoons).
Preparation And Use:
To begin with, we must peel and chop the garlic cloves very well. Then we threw them in a mortar and crushed them. Now, proceed to heat the honey to become less thick. Then we will pour all the ingredients into a bowl and mix them until a paste is formed. If you still do not take this consistency, you can add several drops of olive oil or almonds.
Before using this mask, you should wash your face thoroughly with mild soap. Then we dry it by patting, not rubbing. Then apply the mask and leave to act for 30 minutes and rinse with plenty of water.
After that, you can prepare an exfoliating cream with 2 servings of oats and 1 serving of yoghurt. The same we apply it on the face with soft and circular movements. This will remove dead skin cells, open and clean pores like never before.
If there is a little of the garlic mask with honey, you can keep it in an airtight glass container. The only thing that can happen is that the smell of garlic intensifies a little more.

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