The worst thing is that they are usually well hidden and very difficult to see; they who are smart enough usually go out to do theirs at night when we are sleeping and do not feel the human presence.
So, we ask you do you want to get rid of cockroaches?
At present, with the advancement of technologies and research, man has created chemicals that can easily eliminate cockroaches, but these products often indirectly affect our health and our pets' health.
That is why we want to share with you some homemade exterminator to eliminate cockroaches and incidentally take care of health at home.
What are we going to do to eliminate cockroaches?
The preparation of homemade exterminators is the ideal to stop the cockroaches and never return to our home. We will take care of our health and in the end, we will stop those pesky insects. But we must keep in mind that this will not be effective in its entirety but maintain hygiene and order in your home.
Homemade recipes" anti_cockroaches:
We will use baking soda and sugar: we will mix 1 cup of sodium bicarbonate with 1 cup of sugar and we will sprinkle this mixture throughout the house. Cockroaches will be attracted by the smell of sugar and will eat the mixture. Baking soda will give them gas and this will cause chaos in the body
Onion and Boric dust: this remedy is widely used for its effectiveness and for the fact that it is very economical. It consists of creating a paste using half a finely chopped onion, 1/2 cup of common flour, a little beer or water, a pinch of sugar and three or four teaspoons of boric dust. This powder you can get it in pharmacies.
Put all the ingredients in a bold and mix until a well_formed paste is formed. Use soda lids to pour this mixture and place them in the areas of there home where the cockroaches walk. Within the reach of pets, as it can be toxic in the same way for them.
We will look for bay leaves: this is a very usual remedy, which consists of placing chopped bay leaves in places where you suspect cockroaches are lodged. These insects cannot stand their smell and usually move away immediately.
Use mint tuna: what we will do is spray peppermint in all areas of your house where you know they hide. This remedy has the same effect as Laurel.
We will use borax: a natural ingredient that is used to make laundry soap. Spread the borax all over the house, always taking care of your pets. The borax what it will do dehydrate them and kill them, as a cockroach cannot be hydrated if its shell is damaged.

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