

Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Slim In A Few Hours With This, Impressive

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Prunes ( or shall we call them dried plums ? ) have been sold as a popular digestive remedy for decades mainly because of these three components: fiber, sorbitol ( a sugar alcohol that can loosen the stool) and a natural laxative compound called diphenyl satin. We could keep citing properties of the plums, but we could not finish.

Homemade Drink With Prunes To eliminate belly fat.


A liter of pure water
One hundred grams of prunes without seed.


You should have a very clean glass jar with a lid, put in the plums and water, cover the jar tightly and reserve for a week in the fridge. As the week passes, blend and strain. What you should do is take a glass every morning on an empty stomach until you see the result you want.

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