

Friday, 16 March 2018

Your Lashes Much Longer Thanks To This nonsense

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Castor oil.

Thanks to its properties, castor oil moisturizes and strengthens the eyelashes increasing their growth. Like olive oil, you apply it before you go to sleep and leave the next morning. You can also take a container of mascara that is empty, pour the castor oil and apply it on the eyelashes.


After having the face washed and cleansed, you put a chamomile flower in a container to boil. When it cools a little, you soak a cotton ball and run it over your eyelids. This recipe, you need to repeat it daily, since the results will not be seen from one day to the next. But if you are consistent, in about a month you will notice the results.

Carrot juice, orange, flower pollen, and walnut.

These ingredients contain high doses of vitamins that will help your eyelashes to nourish. Mix six carrots, four oranges, two tablespoons of flower pollen and one tablespoon of walnut, prepare a juice with these ingredients and take it during the morning for two months.

Aloe vera

A great way to grow your eyelashes is using aloe vera because it has a lot of vitamins and nutrients. It will also help keep your eyelashes moist. Before bed put fresh aloe vera gel on your eyelashes with a clean mascara stick. Leave the gel on overnight, and rinse it off in the morning with warm water. Or mix together one tablespoon aloe vera gel, one tablespoon jojoba oil, and one teaspoon of chamomile infusion. Put this mixture on your eyelashes two times a day with a clean, old mascara stick. Leave it on for fifteen minutes, and wash it off with warm water. Follow either cure every day for a few months for it to work. Note:  Make sure to remove latex by washing the aloe vera gel very well before use.


Because eggs have a lot of protein, they are very good for growing thicker eyelashes. They also have vitamins that help the feel of your eyelashes.

Beat one egg and one tablespoon glycerin into a thick, creamy mixture put it on your eyelashes using a cotton swab. Leave it on for fifteen minutes, and then wash it off with cold water. Do this three times a week for a few months.

Green Tea

Green tea has a lot of flavonoids that help your eyelashes grow thicker and longer.

Make a cup of unsweetened green tea, and let it cool. Use a cotton tip to put the green tea on your lashes, from roots to the tips. Let it sit for fifteen minutes, and wash it out with cool water. Do this two times a day for two to three months. Note: make sure the green tea does not get in your eyes.

Coconut milk

Coconut milk has a lot of protein and fats that make thicker, longer eyelashes. It also gives your eyelashes a beautiful shine.

Dip a cotton swab in coconut milk and put it on your eyelashes. Let it sit for ten minutes, and wash it off. Do this one or two times a day for a few months, until you get the look you want. When trying any of these cures, make sure to be very gentle. Don't pull out eyelashes when you' re putting makeup on, or taking off make sure to have the right vitamins and nutrients, so your eyelashes can grow nicely. You can take a multivitamin supplement, but make sure to ask a doctor before you do to find out what type and amount.

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