Vervain is an herb that goes by many other names. However, the scientific name of this herb is Verbena hastata and is also called Vervain, Verbena Enchanter's Plant, Herb of the Cross, Holy Herb, Juno's Tears, pigeon's Grass, Pigeonweed, Simpler's Joy, Herb of Grace. It has been revered by many cultures and their peoples for millennia. Hippocrates ( the Ancient Greek physician and " father of medicine") is said to have used it for fever and the plague.
Strangely, this unassuming plant was one of the most revered herbs used by the Druids. It was called hiera butane ( sacred plant ) by the Romans, who used it to purify their homes and temples. The ancient Egyptians and Chinese also considered the plant as having "hidden powers". It was the herb of prophecy for the Magi, the mystic sages of Persia. The Aztecs called it "medicine for urinating" and used the mashed roots as a diuretic.
In early 18th century "New Spain", the Jesuits prescribed the herb as a remedy for a headache, jaundice, and other ailments. Mexicans today use " verbena" tea to treat bad colds and flu. Native American tribes also used the herb medicinally, mainly as a treatment for circulatory problems, headaches, insomnia, and hepatitis. The Teton Dakotas boiled the leaves to make a drink used to treat stomach ache. The Omahas used the leaves for a beverage tea. The Mesquakies used the root as a remedy for "fits". The Menominis made a tea from the roots to clear up cloudy urine. The Chippewas took the dried flowers and pulverized them to make a snuff to stop nosebleeds. The Iroquois made a root decoction and used it to treat intestinal worms.
1. Healthy Gut
This herb consumed especially in form of tea is very useful in easing the digestive disorder, thereby keeping a healthy gut. It eases several problems that affect the stomach that includes cramps, bloating and flatulence. This is a natural herb for curing diarrhea and vomiting and also boots nutrient absorption.
2. For Healthy Liver
Vervain contains the active ingredients aucubin and oleanolic acid, powerful plant compounds that exert hepatoprotective effects. In particular, vervain tea can help to stimulate the liver and encourage the healing of any damage done to this important organ. It can help to strengthen the liver if consumed on a regular basis, supporting the elimination of toxins from the body.
3. Natural Detoxifying Agent
This herb reduces sweating and also further eliminates toxins away from the body through sweat. It keeps the skin looks fresh as well as young.
4. Menstrual Cycle
Vervain is also known as a "female tonic" because it reduces menstrual cramps and other muscle spasms, as well as bloating. It is also believed to be effective for balancing hormones, which can help prevent mood swings and depression brought on by PMS ( premenstrual syndrome). Vervine is also used to induce menstrual cycle in women whose periods have been delayed.
5. Benefits for Skin
The natural astringent and anti_ inflammatory properties of this herb is a natural remedy for many kinds of skin infections. Studies found that vervain is also useful for safeguarding their wounds from any kinds of infections. It helps in getting rid of toxins caused by the insect bites.
6. Natural Analgesic
This herb possesses anti_ inflammatory qualities. It is very much effective in curing a cold as well as fever. This herb also provides relief from sinusitis and migraine and lower the body temperature levels during fever. This is also consumed as a tonic in order to overcome any weakness that is caused by fever.
7. Improves Oral Health
This herb improves the oral health of a person if chewed regularly. This is also very much effective as a traditional medication to improve bleeding gums and also eases pains as well as redness that is generally experienced because of mouth ulcers bleeding gums bacterial infections, or any other unhealthy aspect if your oral health, vervain tea can quickly clear it up. Tannins function as antioxidants to promote healing and prevent further degradation to the tissue.
8. Natural Mood Enhancer
The power of this herb is to ease the feelings associated with anxiety and stress is well_ acknowledged. Consuming a cup of vervain tea has a calming effect on the central nervous system that in turn triggers a sensation of calmness and relaxation. Thus this herb has been extensively used to aid people suffering from depression and stress. Vervain is also supposed to be effective in easing post_ traumatic stress as well as insomnia. Just drinks a cup of warm vervain tea 30 minutes before you go to your bed for a good night sleep. It is a natural tranquilizing agent that is a good antidote for restlessness and irritation.
9. A Pain Reliever
This herb serves as the powerful analgesic and is especially powerful on arthritic pain and the pain from kidney stones the organic mixtures present in vervain can numb specific areas and stop the pain from recording in those nerves, whereby giving you some relief. Anti_ inflammatory characteristics of the herb are the perfect supplement to this pain relief, as it further reduces swelling and inflammation, so as in cases of gout, inflammation, or arthritis in the gastrointestinal system.
10. Improves Kidney
Vervain also functions as a diuretic in the body, assisting with the flushing out of unwanted toxins, especially in the urinary tract. It helps to combat water retention, thus improving kidney function. Another naturally occurring compound of this plant_ apigenin_ has also been found to prevent kidney damage.

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