Turkey berry scientifically known as Solanum torvum is also known as Gully Bean, Susumber, Wild Eggplant, Devils Fig, Plate Bush,Bharatiya, Tekokak, Pea Eggplant, pea Aubergine, and many other names currently found in India, Africa, China, Thailand, The Caribbean, South America, Indonesia, Florida, Alabama, Brazil, Mexico, Ghana, Jamaica, Papua New Guinea, Puerto Rico. Is native to Central and South America ( in the high mountains of Puerto Rico they grow thousands of pounds of Turkey Berries), and other places in the US and the world. It grows in a wide range of habitats throughout the tropic and subtropical. It grows best in warm moist fertile conditions, but once established it can withstand drought by shedding its leaves. This plant is seen on vacant lands, roadsides, pastures, river banks, and other such areas.
This plant is said to have originated from Central and South America, where it is found from Mexico to Brazil and Peru and is widespread in the Caribbean. Although it originated in America, it has been spread as a useful plant. The fruits are small, smooth, normally green scurfy while young that turns into yellowish_green when mature and contain few to numerous flat, round, discoid, woody, often reddish seeds, 1.5 to 2 mm in diameter. Turkey berry normally has a spicy flavour and are slightly bitter in taste it is found used in several food items from ancient times until now. It is from the Solanaceae family and it is a perennial plant with sharp pointed prickly and grows to 3 to 6 feet tall. It's beautiful white flowers that turn into green berries. The leaves of the berry plant are similar to that of the eggplants, it can last for about 3 years before replanting from seeds.
9. Amazing Health Benefits Of Turkey Berries
1. Treatment of Anaemia
Turkey berries contain lots of iron which is extremely beneficial for treating anaemia. They encourage the production of red blood cells. The berries can also be used in soups and consumed on a regular basis to increase red blood cell production.
2. Prevention of Pains, redness and gout
Turkey berries help to flush out uric acid, therefore, helping to prevent or reduce pain, redness and symptoms of gout. The leaf consists of powerful anti_inflammatory agent and natural steroids called coastline which is great for arthritis, lower back pain and swelling, and pain in general. Turkey Berries are very important for health since inflammation is the first step towards all diseases.
3. The leaves for skin ailments
The leaves can also be crushed, juiced and use the juice to fight against liver spots and other skin ailments. Apply the juice to the affected area and leave it on until the following day. Repeat this method for nine days
4. Leaves for cold and flu
Boil the leaves to prepare the tea, Turkey Berry helps in preventing and healing Cold and Flu. It helps to get rid of phlegm and mucus. Dry Turkey berry powder helps to treat Asthma, Cough and Lung inflammation.
5. Treatment of Indigestion and diarrhoea
Regular consumption of turkey Berry is considered good for digestion and helps to treat indigestion, stomach aches, diarrhoea as well as other digestion related problems. Turkey berries are capable of neutralizing acid in the stomach making them significant for healing gastric ulcers.
6. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases and strokes
Turkey berry contains saponins, flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, torso sides, glycosides, cholorogenome, are powerful antioxidants that prevent cardiovascular disease cancer and strokes. Dried turkey berries made into powder helps to lower blood pressure and prevent heart attacks.
7. Protection from Cancer
Research indicates that the Turkey berry is indeed highly medicinal. Some researchers indicate it can be used to treat skin diseases, ulcers, and abscesses. The berry is also said to be an anti_ inflammatory and an analgesic for stomach problems and for the control of diabetes. Dr Paul Haider says; turkey Berries are antibacterial, anti_ fungal, and stops the excessive cell growth making it important for cancer. Studies show that an extract of Turkey Berry can protect against lung cancer.
8. Extract of the turkey berry leaf
contain powerful anti-inflammatory agent and natural steroids called coastline which is great for arthritis, lower back pain and swelling, and pain in general. And since inflammation is the first step towards all disease Turkey Berries are very important for health.
9. Prevention and treatment of Kidney disease
Studies show that turkey berries can also help prevent and treat Kidney disease and even reverse tubular necrosis and glomerular congestion, therefore making it important for treating kidney disease.

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