Contrary to popular belief, no or low-fat diet isn't that good for you. Recently, some conventional cardiologists have stated that one needs healthy fats in order to maintain cardiovascular health. They have negated the myth of cholesterol as the major caused by clogged arteries and heart attacks. They also warned about the dangers associated with statin drugs, drugs used to lower cholesterol levels in the body. The truth is that brain and nervous system tissue requires cholesterol and similar fats to rebuild and maintain proper function. It is worth mentioning that studies found a higher rate of dementia, including Alzheimer's, in statin users. Skin cholesterol initiates the conversion process of UVB sunlight exposure to vitaminD3 in the liver. Without the presence of cholesterol, there is not conversion, meaning
Insufficient vitaminD3 levels. Recent research suggests that following a high-fat diet can reverse aggressive cancers. Of course, don't expect the cancer industry to reveal these facts. They need to receive funding to study patentable drugs which don't actually cure, but rather keep killing with surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.
The best anecdotal cancer reversal regarding this diet involves Dr Fred Hatfield, a former world powerlifting champion, trainer, and successful business owner. The reason for his doctor title is the fact that he completed graduate studies in kinesiology. Dr Hatfield was diagnosed with an aggressive, metastatic skeletal cancer. He was given only three months left to live, and the same prognosis was confirmed by three doctors. He decided to do a little research on his own, and this is how he came across the ketogenic diet as promising alternative treatment.
Dr Dominic D'Agostino, a metabolic researcher at the University of South Floria, has found that mice with induced cancer who were put on high-fat none_ carbohydrate glucose diets reversed cancer and recovered even more effectively when compared to those on chemotherapy. Although this study may not be saying much, Hatfield decided to give it a try. He stopped consuming sugars and carbohydrates and started eating a fair amount of food meats and many beneficial fats, not the cheap trans_fatty acid hydrogenated oils or margarine. These products are the only molecule away from being plastic, which means that they are difficult and even impossible to metabolize. Some of the best sources of good/ beneficial fats include cold pressed olive oil, hemp oil, butter, eggs, and coconut oil. After a few months of following this diet, Hatfield's cancer cleared up. A year later he was still in a very good health.
Dr D'Agostino has talked to many other patients who have used a ketogenic diet to reverse cancer. Most importantly, they actually succeeded! Cancer cells rely on glucose to thrive as they are deprived of oxygen that normal cells use for metabolism. When body's cells lack glucose, good fats yield fatty acids that are turned in to energy bestowing ketones. This is how coconut oil manages to reverse Alzheimer's disease. The conversion of ketones gives energy to those brain cells that are no longer metabolizing oxygen as well as they did before. Normal cells use convert ketones for energy, while cancerous cells casket. Therefore, swapping glucose for ketones starves cancer cells. It is worth this diet, with an exception of weight loss.
Healthy fats: butter, coconut oil, olive oil, eggs, avocados, raw seeds and nuts; Low carbohydrate vegetables: Kale, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, asparagus, spinach, celery, collard greens, Brussels sprouts; protein sources: Fish and seafood, fermented dairy, wild game, grass_fed beef, grass_fed raw organic dairy,organic pastured poultry; Unfortunately, despite the well_known fact that cancerous cells thrive on simple sugar, oncologists somehow forget to inform the patients about this! Instead, the patients are fed pastries and ice cream while going through IV chemotherapy. On the other hand, alternative cancer treatments are based on diet that excludes sugar and simple carbohydrates.

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