Sapodilla or Sapota or chikoo is a fairly slow_growing long_ lived tree, upright and elegant, distinctly pyramidal when young, to 60ft (18m ) high in the open but reaching 100ft (30m) when crowded in the forest. It is strong and winds _ resistant rich in white, gummy latex. The leaves are highly ornamental, evergreen, glossy, alternate, spirally clustered at the tips of the forked twigs, sapota is a tropical evergreen fruit_bearing tree belongs to the family of Sapotaceae of the genus: Manilkara. Scientific name: Manilkara zapota. However, the benefits of sapodilla are many and it is one of the favorite fruits enjoyed by us in the Caribbean.
Originated in Central America rainforests, in Belize, it has now spread all over the tropical belt and is being grown as a major commercial crop in Malaysia Indonesia India and Sri Lanka. It is considered a special fruit with a unique taste of apple, pear, and cinnamon flavoring. The fruit has also been used as a medicinal remedy to ward off disease. Each fruit is round or oval, measures about 10 cm in diameter, and weigh about 150g. A tree bears as many as 2000 fruits/year. Sapota fruit is brown in color with sandy " potato like" outer surface. Internally, the pulp is white with sticky latex called as saponin in unripe fruits. Latex disappears once the fruit ripens and the pulp turns to brown color. The pulp is deliciously sweet with smooth or grainy texture and contains 3_10 black colored smooth, shiny " bean" shaped inedible seeds in the center. Sapodilla is grown commercially for making chewing gum. The consumption of sapodilla is recommended in herbal medicine as it has an uncountable number of medicinal uses.
Health Benefits of Sapodilla:
1. Sapodilla contains important vitamin-like vitamin A and vitamin C. Vitamin A helps to ensure proper vision and helps to maintain healthy skin and mucous membranes. Sapodilla offers protection from oral cavities and lungs cancer. Similarly, Vitamin C helps the body to develop resistance against pathogens and to destroy free radicals.
2. Sapodilla is a natural sedative. It is used to relax the nerves and also to relieve stress. It is often suggested as a part of the diet of those struggling with insomnia and panic disorders. It is one of the best natural anti_ depressants prescribed by medical practitioners for disorders like MDD ( major depressive) Unipolar Disorder, etc.
3. The simple sugars like fructose and sucrose that are the main ingredients of this fruit rejuvenate the body with natural energy. Folic acid contained in this fruit is used in the formation of red blood cells and also help in the development of the fetus during pregnancy. It also helps to prevent the formation of homocysteine which is harmful to health.
4. Several minerals found in sapodilla including calcium, iron, phosphorous, magnesium, potassium, copper, selenium and zinc play an important role in the facilitation of various functions in the human body. These include hemoglobin formation with the help of iron and copper, electrolytes with the help of potassium and sodium, calcium and phosphorous help in bone growth and magnesium helps in ensuring the chemical reactions in the body.
5. Sapodilla also has antimicrobial properties. It is a home cure for diarrhea and dysentery in infants and toddlers. Rather than giving them high medication, we can use raw and unripe sapodilla to cure diarrhea and dysentery. Tannins present in the Sapodilla tree bark can cure diarrhea or dysentery when boiled in water and given as a medication.
6. This fruit is rich in antioxidant polyphenolic compound tannin. Tannins are a composite family of naturally occurring polyphenols. Research studies suggest that tannins possess astringent properties, and shown to have potential anti_ inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, and anti_ parasitic effects. Hence, these compounds may found useful applications in traditional medicines as antidiarrheal, hemostatic ( stops bleeding ) and as a remedy for hemorrhoids.
7. Sapodilla fruit helps to make your skin glowing, thus reducing your requirement of skin care products to enhance your natural skin texture and complexion. The vitamin E in this fruit moisturizes your skin, thus giving your healthy and beautiful skin. Hence, eating sapodilla fruit is good for the skin. Sapadilla is rich in antioxidants. Therefore, it acts as an anti_ aging agent by eradicating free radicals in the body which are responsible for enhancing the aging process. It is also effective in reducing wrinkles.
8. The nutrient is very important for keeping the eyes in the optimal state is vitamin A. A powerful antioxidant, the said vitamin helps neutralize excess free radicals before they get to damage the cells of your eyes. As a result, numerous eye diseases that can lead to loss of vision can be prevented. Eye specialists say that vitamin A helps maintain 20/20 vision, and can, in fact, help boots your eyesight at night. Since sapodilla fruit is rich in vitamin A, eating them regularly is undeniably superb for your eye health and vision.
9. Sapodilla fruit may well help you to lose weight as a part of an overall weight loss plan. Because o its high fiber content, it can satiate the appetite meaning you will eat less during the day. Its high fiber content can also help keep your digestive system working efficiently. It is definitely not a magic pill, but if you incorporate sapodilla into your diet, it might help you shed some unwanted pound in the long term.
10. Sapodilla fruit contains a variety of essential minerals like calcium, zinc, and manganese that are known to have a positive effect on the health of your bones and muscles. A deficiency in calcium increases the risk of your bones becoming a weaker developing common condition like osteoporosis.

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